Many people from all around the world use Snapchat, pretty much all the time. Yet, it can be difficult sometimes to find your favourite celebrities’ details. Since we know the struggle we’ve created the CelebMix Snapchat Bible, where you can find a list of celebrities we think you should follow.

One of those is the account of Youtuber Niomi Smart. Just like in her YouTube videos, Niomi likes to give her Snapchat followers a look into her life, into travelling, healthy eating and exercise. You might even see bits and pieces of her book ‘Eat Smart’ that is yet to come out!

What is Niomi Smart’s Snapchat?

You can follow Niomi Smart on Snapchat using niomismart.

Who else should you follow on Snapchat?

Well, you can follow CelebMix on Snapchat. We post snaps of gigs, signings and so much more you don’t want to miss. So add us, if you haven’t already. Our username is plain and simple: CelebMix.

If you are looking for more celebrities on Snapchat, you can take a look at our Snapchat Bible! In case you see we’re missing someone, don’t hesitate to tweet us @CelebMix
